Thursday, January 8, 2009


hihi today is my oikos again!one week one i brought my oikos to worship with guitar.1st our oikos member,Joe.She was the person in charge in ice!i tell you,this game was really horrible!it was because Joe had rule this game as each person need to sing song based on the title that the person given.each people has 2 times to change the title.For example,when someone give a "Love" title,the next person need to sing a song based on this word or title.haha! you cant believe each of our oikos member cant sing very well because not everyone really know the songs and remember the lyrics inside the song.Plus suddenly came out a song in our mind isnt a easy job,unless we often listening song.
After the horrible game,i brought them to worship our God,Jesus.During the time,i faced some problems.The string of guitar suddenly broke.The G3th was sure will affect my strumming.But thanks god, i pray for god,our worship was not affect from the outcome disturbance.I pray loud to encouraged my oikos member,brother and sisters to pray and worship was because our mouth is just likes musical instrument.We even can workship god by just our mouth.It all matter of our heart.Our heart to worship him,Jesus.If we worship him by our fully heart, we already worship him and praise his name of holy name of god,Jesus,the mesaiah.
After we had a great time in worship, we all enter to our topic to learned today. "meekness".Meekness was not anger. In the word of meekness, will include in link of lowliness, righteousness, gentleness and fear. we had to learn about meekness because our Jesus was already our example to learned for. (matthew 11: 29." Take my yoke on you and become like me, for I am gentle and without pride, and you will have rest for your souls;)
what we had to learn to be meekness are admit our weakness, come to the front of christ,believe what he did through the cross, be united with him and last one is grow in understanding of christ.
"meekness isn't symbol of weakness, but is the strength that controlled by our god."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

vocal class

哦,今天我要分享的还是昨天的vocal class所得到的体会。

还记得我有问emmanuel老师说:这一位guitarist是否是最高level 的。(当我们看完Tuck & Patti (Time After Time),当中有一位是很厉害的guitarist,名叫Patti, 他弹到出神入画。仿佛手在guitar上跳舞。)当时我认为老师会说他厉害,什么之类的。但老师就用很有哲学的话回答我们学生。
他先用一个例子来回答。他说他的钢琴老师,是一位很优秀的老师。他一只手可弹到很多的node.而emmanual老师就欠他一点。所谓“强中自有强中手,一山还有一山高 ”。当emmanual老师分享到他的老师看到youtube时,还有更厉害的西方钢琴手,他一只手可弹到更多的node!真是厉害到无话可说!(因为西方人手比较长。哈哈哈哈!)当时emmanuel老师就说他的感想,他说他不用再弹钢琴了,因为他与他们比,真是“小巫见大巫”。

哈哈哈,哲学的话语到啦!就在这时,他说了一句话,“没有人是最高level的,就算打机高手也不算什么。so what! 强中自有强中手,一山还有一山高。只要找到自己的才干与上天所赐的恩赐,加以运用、操练。这就是他本身最高的level.这就发挥上帝所给他的恩赐。” 哈利路亚!(彼得前书4:10 各人要照所得的恩赐彼此服侍,作神百般恩赐的好管家。”)


Monday, January 5, 2009

connie talbot

今天又是到了我教会的vocal class.由英俊的emmanuel老师教我们。
今天老师教我们看其他歌星的video,教我们如何看别人如何呈现歌剧。当中有Cellion Dion, Kristin Chenoweth (Taylor the Latte Boy), Tuck & Patti (Time After Time), Glad - Be Ye Glad 和一位最小的歌星,名叫Connie Talbot。她只有6岁,她唱 Over The Rainbow。她以最单纯的歌声打动众人的心。这就让我想到我们基督徒应有的心。我们要以最单纯的心来跟随主耶稣。 (马太 18:4. 所以凡自己谦卑像这小孩子的,他在天国里就是最大的。 5. 凡为我的名,接待一个像这小孩子的,就是接待我。)这一点真是我们应该学习的,单纯跟随耶稣,没有任何的忧虑,没有什么不什么的。

Sunday, January 4, 2009


yo!it's time for me to write blog again. yesterday,our pastor lim was share about his love dating with his wife.hahaha. you cant believe how he booked all the beach for just both of them.awesome! not really many people could have this opportunity to do that! this topic make me feel what can i do to attract my girl friend in the future.hey NO NO NO!haha,because now i really don't feel it is the right time for me to date with girl.i have to pray for god to give me the's because when you decide the have responsibility to afford all the effect.Plus,this "love" topic is really sensitive.must think be carufully before date someone. i really hope god will give me the be after 4-5 years, i will fall in love in somebody.right now all i wish to do is do well in spiritual and education.Do best in everything.Then i will only talk about my love in my life.
hehehe.believe me! i am a romantic guy.who knows in the future,i will use a awesome trick to win her love?haha,i hope great and awesome event to make her smile and fall in love in me.hahahaha.may be can win the 1st kiss in that night too.haha.
ok all the things will only happen after 4-5 years,now just concern my priority.
i can't expect how my girl friend looks like!but i can expect jesus will give me the best one that he could.

Friday, January 2, 2009

morning prayer

yo!今天又是晨祷。2009年第一个晨祷。今天等义弟兄为我们分享。他为我们分享我们教会的2009年的计划及我们应朝向的目标。50个shepherd,20个小组,南区的开发,在六月达到300人及年底达到400人和教会要有10%盈余。awesome! 。

my feeling

i am a guy who live in cameron.let me tell u bouz my strange feeling while i m in primary school.

one night,i laid at my bed.i started to think,why i am here?why i lived in this world?why i could move?why i could think by using my mind?so strange feeling appeared in my mind.everytime when i thinking of this feeling,i started to confused and lost my way.nobody can answer my question.........
until i came to kuala lumpur.when my sister brought me to ECA church.(evangel christian assembly).then i only know,all the feeling and confusion's because i have an answer in my heart.My live was been given by jesus.our only true god.The lord of all.HE gave me all the feeling,the way of thinking,the way i move,the way i solve the problem,the talent insides my mind.all was given by jesus! hallehlujah! when i realized, my heart was feeling touched and so appreciated what he did for me.(eveything Jesus did, he did for us.)
He sacrificed himself to washed away our sins.He had no complained anything,he even pray for us,pray for our live,eternal life.Therefore, i need to love him,because before i born in this world,he aldready knows about me.eveything.therefore,there is no reason i couldn't love him.
Thanks god!he given me life,given me all the best for me.i love you god!i love you,jesus,the messiah.
"thanks god for given me life to experience everything in this world.All i wanna to do is follow you,god that appoint me to do.I love you only god. I pray by my honour name of god, Jesus,AMEN."

Economic crisis

“我靠着那加给我力量的,凡是都能作。” 腓立比书 4:13。

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New year new hope

hohoho! happy new year!
today is the second day of the 2009 year!
what is ur plan to do in this year!everything was raise in price.everything was expensive,although the price of petrol was decrease. but on 2009 will raise again and plus the effect of inflation ald worked.
so i hope everyone can prepare this year and pray for this year bouz financial problem.
be pray and do well in our career and our region.
be strong and god will always be wif us.